We would like to recognize Inter-Kraft Contracting Ltd for their incredible donation of a new 2100-gallon Husky Portable Containment Porta-Tank to our department. Inter-Kraft Contracting is a long-time supporter of our Fire Department and the Community of Extension since 1974. We would like to extend our gratitude and recognize the generosity of Inter-Kraft Contracting Ltd. This will be a valuable asset for years to come for our community. Thank you!

We utilizes Porta-tanks extensively in Rural Fire fighting operations. Having an additional Tank enhances our water volume and capacity. Porta-tanks are primarily used in rural communities where Fire hydrants are limited. A Porta-tank is usually set up near an attack engine. This enables water Tender trucks to quickly drop their load of water and return to a nearby fill site as soon as possible to relay extra water.
Extension Volunteer FD has limited Fire hydrants in our Fire Protection area, we are very dependent on Porta-tanks.
Again we would like to extend our gratitude and generosity to Inter-Kraft Contracting Ltd. for the kind donation of the 2100 gallon aluminum-framed Porta-tank to our department and the residents of our Fire Protection areas. This will be a valuable asset for years to come for our community.